Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Free Women

There are times at the beginning of the text when I was confused about the nature of the relationship between the two women. It is clear that they are "friends" but there were other things that deterred my thinking at first.  For instance, their relationship is characterized as "intimate" and Molly is described as "wearing trousers and a sweater, both the worse for wear."  Even though the character of Richard and Marion are introduced at the same point it does not clarify the relationship we are being exposed to between Molly and Anna.  There is also an instance in this chapter where Molly is explained as enjoying experimenting with her appearance to look like the opposite sex. Did anyone else see this dynamic when they began the novel?

1 comment:

  1. I read their relationship as much more like siblings since Molly is often described as "like the older sister." I wouldn't be surprised if their patriarchal society read homosexual overtones into their relationship, however.


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