Thursday, September 20, 2012

Inconsistency consistency

While I recognize Anna’s inconsistencies (her frequent mood swings/unsettled nature), I do not find them as annoyances at all. How is it unreliable for Anna to change her mind? To feel love and then hate is common, a cycle that I see as part of being human. It doesn’t mean anything negative, only that Anna catalogs these emotions and shows them to us. We are readers of Voyage in the Dark, meaning we are given the opportunity to feel what Anna, as the narrator, feels. Since we follow her so closely we become close to her (possible) depression as well. I don’t believe anything is “wrong” with Anna, she is only a young woman. And through this transitory stage in her life, how could she possibly feel anything concrete, or expect to make up her mind?

1 comment:

  1. Good point. But I wonder, then, why so many characters in the book seem to think something is wrong with Anna. Why are they so keen to diagnose her?


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