Monday, November 12, 2012


I'm just going to boast here for a minute and say it only took me two sentences to guess this book was a dystopian story.

Anyway,  I was really intrigued by the way Kathy H. addresses the reader directly.  She casts the reader as a character in her story by implying we have all had experiences similar to her own.  You know when someone waves in your direction and you wonder if they are waving at you or the person behind you? That's how this book makes me feel. I wonder who she is actually talking to, because I have no clue what she is talking about.  But the way she tells her story assumes we have some prior knowledge of the state of the world, what carers are, and the nature of these "donations."  This has really drawn me into the story and made me extremely interested in the missing details.  A page turner I'd say.


  1. This too is something that stood out to me -- Kathy's insistence on including the reader within the story. My first thought was that this is a part of Kathy's job as a "carer." Accustomed as she is to providing comfort for her donors, it may be natural for her to want to include the audience in the story. Another possible explanation is simply that Kathy's sheltered existence (according to what we've seen so far) has led to her assume that her audience has shared a part of her experience, which is again a link to her profession.

  2. The way she tells the story reminds me of an elderly person in a hospital or nursing home telling s story about their life. How she assumes you have some knowledge but then later will explain what some things are like she remembers we are from a younger generation.


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